Journal Publications
  1. Chang, Tyler H., Watson, L. T., Leyffer, Sven, Lux, Thomas C. H., & Almohri, Hussain M. J. (2024). Remark on Algorithm 1012: Computing projections with large data sets, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 50, 2, Article 2 (June 2024), 8 pages.
  2. Almohri, H. M., Watson, L. T., Evans, D., & Billups, Stephen (2022). Dynamic System Diversification for Securing Cloud-based IoT Subnetworks, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 17, 1–2, Article 2 (June 2022), 23 pages.
  3. Elish, Karim, Elish, M., Almohri, H. M. (2022). Lightweight, Effective Detection and Characterization of Mobile Malware Families, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 2982-2995, 1 Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TC.2022.3143439.
  4. Almohri, H. M., Watson, L. T., Alemzadeh, H., & Almutawa, M. (2021). On Parallel Real-Time Security Improvement Using Mixed-Integer Programming, IEEE Access, 9, 58824-58837.
  5. Almohri, H. M., Almutawa, M., Alawadh, M., & Elish, K. (2020). A Client Bootstrapping Protocol for DoS Attack Mitigation on Entry Point Services in the Cloud. Security and Communication Networks, 2020.
  6. Almohri, H. M., Watson, L. T., & Evans, D. (2020). An Attack-Resilient Architecture for the Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15, 3940-3954.
  7. Qasem, M. & Almohri, H. M. (2019). An Efficient Deception Architecture for Cloud-based Virtual Networks. Kuwait Journal of Science, 46(3).
  8. Almohri, H. M., Watson, L. T., & Evans, D. (2019). Predictability of IP address allocations for cloud computing platforms. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 15, 500-511.
  9. Vinatzer, B. A., Heath, L. S., Almohri, H. M., Stulberg, M. J., Lowe, C., & Li, S. (2019). Cyberbiosecurity Challenges of Pathogen Genome Databases. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 7, 106.
  10. Almohri, H. M., Watson, L. T., & Evans, D. (2017). Misery digraphs: delaying intrusion attacks in obscure clouds. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 13(6), 1361-1375.
  11. Almohri, H. M., Watson, L. T., Yao, D., & Ou, X. (2015). Security optimization of dynamic networks with probabilistic graph modeling and linear programming. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 13(4), 474-487.
  12. Almohri, H. M., Yao, D., & Kafura, D. (2013). Process authentication for high system assurance. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 11(2), 168-180.
Conference Publications
  1. Almohri, H. M., & Watson, L. T. (2023, October). Model-Agnostic Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving Systems. In the 2023 IEEE Secure Development Conference (SecDev) (pp. 99-105 ).
  2. Blanc, W., Hashem, L. G., Elish, K. O., & Almohri, H. M. (2019, December). Identifying Android Malware Families Using Android-Oriented Metrics. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 4708-4713).
  3. Almohri, H. M., & Evans, D. (2018, March). Fidelius charm: Isolating unsafe rust code. In Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (pp. 248-255).
  4. Almohri, H., Cheng, L., Yao, D., & Alemzadeh, H. (2017, July). On threat modeling and mitigation of medical cyber-physical systems. In 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE) (pp. 114-119).
  5. Almohri, H. M., & Almohri, S. A. (2017, May). Security evaluation by arrogance: saving time and money. In 2017 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Startups (SoftStart) (pp. 12-16).
  6. Almohri, H. M., Yao, D., & Kafura, D. (2014, March). Droidbarrier: Know what is executing on your android. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM conference on Data and application security and privacy (pp. 257-264).
  7. Almohri, H. M., Yao, D., & Kafura, D. (2012, February). Identifying native applications with high assurance. In Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (pp. 275-282).
  8. Almohri, H. M., & Balci, O. (2010). A simulation-based software design framework for network-centric and parallel systems. In Programming Support Innovations for Emerging Distributed Applications (pp. 1-5).
Who are my students?

Mohammad Salman (M.S. Thesis)

Fai Sharar (M.S. Thesis)

Aya Alsakkaf, Esraa Alenzi, Sherifa Alothman (Undergraduate Project, 2022)

Abdulaziz Faraj, Hussain Almutairi, Omar Ali, Mohammad Salman (Undergraduate Project, 2022)

Sheikha Almeshrie, Abdulrahman Fattah, Mohammad Alhaddar (Undergraduate Project, 2019)

Nour Aladsani (M.S. Thesis, defended on Oct 5, 2020)

Mohammad Qassem (M.S. Thesis, defended on May 29, 2019)

Ahmad Alkandari, Mahmoud Alawadh, Ahmad Alqinaei (Undergraduate Project, 2016)