Welcome! I'm Hussain Almohri, an associate professor of Computer Science at Kuwait University. In 2013, I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. I'm a senior member of ACM and the IEEE. I study and utilize randomness in combating remote intrusion and exploitation. My research involves protecting cloud-based systems, corporate network, and Internet of Things from intrusion attacks. I also use supervised and unsupervised learning and gradient-based and integer optimization techniques to improve security of systems and IoT networks.
I have written an open book on programming in Python, which is freely available here.
Research focus: systems security, optimizing security policies, automated attack mitigation, security in the cloud
Contact Information:
[My Last Name]@ cs.ku.edu.kw
h.[My Last Name]@ ku.edu.kw
Phone: ‭+965 249-85332‬
Mail: P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait